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Integrated management system policy

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  • Integrated management system policy

RAEE COLOMBIA SAS is a company dedicated to the comprehensive management of waste electrical and electronic devices, batteries and catalysts, which is committed to satisfying the requirements of internal and external customers, suppliers, contractors, interested parties and compliance with their expectations, allocating the necessary resources to guarantee:

  • Compliance with legal and other requirements applicable to the organization in matters of Safety and Health at Work, Environment and quality.
  • The preservation of the environment through actions that minimize the negative impacts and pollution that may be generated by our operation.
  • Adequate management for the elimination and control of hazards and risks that may affect the safety and health of workers, as well as the prevention of accidents, incidents and occupational diseases, promoting a culture of self-care in all members of the organization through of the implementation of the SGSST and the participation and consultation of workers.
  • The prevention of illicit practices, corruption and bribery in the processes of RAEE COLOMBIA SAS, its clients and suppliers.
  • Growth through continuous improvement of the SGI, making use of the PHVA cycle, taking preventive and improvement actions aimed at customer and interested party satisfaction.